Taking into account that some members of our Community will leave Belgrade to reach their hometowns for the upcoming Christmas time, we organised the following activities for the last Sunday of Advent in the parish church of Christ the King (Krunska 23, 11000 Belgrade):
In the parish church:
11:00 Hs - Rehearsal of hymns for the Mass and Christmas carols
11:30 Hs - Mass of the Fourth Sunday of Advent
In the parish hall:
12:40 Hs - Christmas carols sung by the children of our Community
13:00 Hs - “Saint Nicholas” meets the children
13:30 Hs - Lunch (everyone is invited to bring some foodstuffs, soft-drinks… of just him/herself J)
14:15 Hs - Tombola (traditional “Christmas” board game with prizes originally from Naples, Italy)
15:00 Hs - Final greetings and announcements about the upcoming Christmas celebrations.
