On Saturday, March 26th, 2022, in Marijanum (Hadži Milentijeva 75, Belgrade), the third oratory for children and youth in this school year will be held. The theme of the oratory will be the Sacrament of Confession, and the guests and hosts of the oratory will be a dozen youth animators from the Diocese of Subotica, who will lead the entire oratory program. The schedule of the oratory is as follows:
10.00 am - game for reception, dance, introduction
10.40 am - prayer, oratory principles
11.00 am - catechesis on confession by Rev. Mihael Sokol
11.30 am - group work (about confession, sin, conscience)
12.30 pm - break and game
01.00 pm - music workshop
01.30 pm - big game
02.30 pm - Mass celebration presided by S.E. Msgr. Stanislav Hočevar, Belgrade Archbishop and Metropolitan, and animate by (singing) young people from Subotica.
- The oratorio ends with a joint lunch.
- After lunch, young people who could join the animators next times would stay in a short meeting with the youth animators from Subotica.
Applications for the oratory can be addressed to the parish priests within the city of Belgrade until Thursday, March 24th, and parents of children and young people can be involved in the work of the oratory.

Link to the original webpage (in Serbian): http://kc.org.rs/treci-ovogodisnji-oratorij-za-djecu-i-mlade/