Pope Francis, through the Apostolic Nunciatures, extended an invitation to all episcopal conferences of the world to pray for peace on the feast of the Annunciation, on Friday, March 25, in cathedrals, Marian shrines, parishes and other churches. The Archdiocese of Belgrade will join the initiative.
On that day, at 5 pm, the Holy Father Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so it is recommended that the prayer be said at that (or another appropriate) time of the day.
In the Belgrade Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Hadži Milentijeva 75), the initiative of prayer for peace begins at 17.00 Hs with adoration in silence before the Blessed Sacrament, then it will continue with the devotional Stations of the Cross (Via Crucis) at 17.30 Hs, and the Eucharistic celebration at 18.00 Hs. Both Via Crucis and Holy Mass will be presided by S.E. Msgr. Stanislav Hočevar, Belgrade Archbishop and Metropolitan, who - at the end of the Mass and in front of the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary - will pronunciate the same consecration prayer of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which the Holy Father himself will say.
After the celebration of the Mass, at 7 pm, the third in a series of Lent Fridays' fora will be held with the theme "Seeking the truth - do we have that opportunity?", and the guest of the forum is Msgr. dr. Andrija Anišić from the Theological-Catechetical Institute of the Diocese of Subotica, who will go through the topic from two different points of view: as a moral theologian and as a long-term media worker.

From the news of the Archdiocese of Belgrade's website (in Serbian):